Working in Taiwan
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What qualifications do I need to teach English in Taiwan?
In accordance with Taiwanese law, all foreign teachers must be native speakers of English and possess a degree from an accredited university. Naturally, teachers with TEFOL certification and Education Degrees are preferred, and in some cases may be able to negotiate a higher salary.

Other than the above-mentioned legal qualifications, a positive attitude is the most important asset in adapting to Taiwan and getting along with your co-workers and employers. Applicants will be chosen with such qualities in mind.

How much money can I make in Taiwan?
Salaries in Taiwan are generally starting wages for teachers with no experience teaching ESL in Taiwan range from 500NT$ to 600NT$ (at a 21.2 exchange rate = 23.5CN$-27.9CN$).

What currency will I be paid in?
All teachers are paid in New Taiwan Dollars. It is easy to arrange for money to be sent back to your Canadian account.

Can I teach outside of my cram school?
The government can only collect tax on the location registered on your work visa. Technically, teaching anywhere else is illegal. However, most teachers do teach their own private students after hours, and many work at schools only in the morning. By teaching outside your registered school it is possible to double your salary.

Are payroll advances possible?
Payroll advances are possible. Employers are usually hesitant to lend more than 20,000NT$ to new teachers, though. Having a representative on your side is extremely beneficial in this situation.

Will my employer lend me the down payment for my apartment?
This is also possible. But again, it is almost impossible to negotiate on your own.

How is the tax system structured?
Residents of Taiwan, regardless of income, are taxed at 6%. If you arrive within the first 183 days of the fiscal year you will be taxed at 20%. After this time you will be taxed at 10%. At the end of the year, your school will help you apply for a tax rebate. You will be refunded for any amount over the 6% flat tax. Essentially, you are only paying 6% tax.

What hours will I work?
Teaching assignments vary from school to school. Legally, schools have to provide at least 15 hours/week. Most schools include in their contract a clause that guarantees 20-36 hours of work a week.

  What are the Visa requirements?
Work permits can only be arranged once teachers are in Taiwan. Teachers must first arrange a 60-day visitor visa before they leave Canada.

After applicants have arrived in Taiwan, School can help teachers transfer their Visitor Visa to a Resident Visa and arrange for an ARC (Alien Resident Card). To apply for a work permit teachers must possess:

An original university degree (photocopies are not acceptable)
Passport from an English-speaking country
Medical Certificate provided from a local (Taiwanese) hospital. The medical exam may impact Visa conditions, and includes:
Eye exam
Blood sample
Urine Sample
Chest X-ray
A short interview with a doctor

  Is there medical coverage available?
Employers are required by law to provide all teachers with accesses to Taiwan' national health insurance plan. This plan costs roughly 200NT$/month, and provides inexpensive (100NT$ per visit) access to doctors, dentists and any other kind of medical attention. Typically, monthly payments are automatically deducted from teachers' wages.

  How much holiday time will I get?
Holiday time varies from school to school. Some schools provide up to three weeks of holidays annually while others only provide Chinese New Year and public holidays. Taiwan has a number of public holidays, so even if your school doesn't have any scheduled vacation time, you still have plenty of time to tour the island. Most schools are extremely open to vacation requests if you can help them find a substitute and provide them with plenty of notice (generally, a month or two).